About Me

 When I was in the 7th grade, I brought home a report card at the end of the third grading period. After taking it in to redeem some free ice cream at G.D. Ritzy’s, I looked closer and realized that printed on the bottom were audition dates for the upcoming Evansville Vanderburgh School Corporation Summer Musical, White Christmas. I was immediately intrigued, and with the help of my pianist mother, planned my first audition.

It wasn't until a few weeks into the rehearsal process that we realized I was technically too young to be apart of the show. That one "mistake" inevitably changed my life. Since then, I haven't stopped doing theatre. It has become my passion. What started as simply an affinity for singing and an offhanded interest in a musical has transformed into a love for theatre, singing, and dancing, for the art form they can be, and for the platform they provide.

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Favorite plays
The Cost of Living
When the Rain Stops Falling

Favorite musicals
Children of Eden
Little Shop of Horrors

Favorite theatrical moments
Seeing the fire come to life at the end of Auto-da-fé
The pause after “Our hands can choose to drop the knife” in “In the Beginning,” Children of Eden

 “…what it [art] can do is change the way we see things individually,”

Ayad Akhtar, author of Disgraced

“What is sacred is the time that you spend working on the project, and what that time does to your imagination, and what that expanded imagination does to transform your life.”

— Elizabeth Gilbert, Big Magic